
Showing posts from September, 2018

Gratz Fair

Elizabeth Voight 2018 Pennsylvania State Fair Queen After the Oley Valley Fair it was off to the Gratz Fair!  Upon arrival, I had the pleasure of meeting the newly crowned 2018 Gratz Fair Queen and Queen Coordinator.  I spent the rest of my afternoon touring the fairgrounds with them and hearing about all of the events that had occurred throughout the week.  The queen shared her experience of participating in the "Queen Boot Camp" which better prepared her and the other candidates for the queen contest!  What a great experience for young women!  Many thanks to the Gratz Fair for a lovely visit!

Oley Valley Community Fair

Elizabeth Voight 2018 Pennsylvania State Fair Queen On first day of fall (September 22), I traveled to northeast Pennsylvania to be a part of the Oley Valley Community Fair!  The fair President, Mr. Kevin Bieber, greeted me and gave me a wonderful tour of the fair!  All fairs are truly unique and one of the interesting events at this fair is the pumpkin growing contest.  This year's winner produced a pumpkin weighing over 700 pounds!  The food stands operating at Oley Valley were headed up by volunteers throughout the community.  The community presence was certainly evident throughout the fair!  I enjoyed eating the delicious french fries and a creamy vanilla milkshake.  Following the meal I spent the rest of my time working in the milkshake stand.  Thank you, Oley Valley Community Fair!

The Great Allentown Fair

Elizabeth Voight 2018 Pennsylvania State Fair Queen The next fair I attended was the Great Allentown Fair on September 2nd!  As soon as I arrived I met the 2018 Allentown Fair Queen, Ms. McKenzie Hagenbuch!  Together we helped to pass out ribbons at the barn animal noise contest and the pedal tractor contest.  I then attended my very first grape stomp contest!  There were two teams of about 5 people.  Each player had the chance to stomp as many grapes as they could for about a minute.  The team that could get the most juice out of the barrel was the winner.  That was certainly a wonderful event to have attended!  After the grape stomp contest I was joined by several past Allentown Fair Queens.  They came to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Allentown Queen Contest!  I had a blast talking to them, touring the fair, and taking many pictures with them!  My mom and I then enjoyed a delicious cheese steak at the fair.  The last event that I took part in was a concert at th